1 Thessalonians says to “pray without ceasing.”Our desire is to remain in an attitude of prayer as we offer our petitions up to God.
We are a church that believes in the power of prayer! We care about you and because we care, we want to pray for you and whatever requests and needs you may have. Below is a link where you can email us any prayer requests you have.
This will automatically be sent to our church office, and our staff will begin to lift your request before the throne room of God as soon as we receive it.
Eastwood Kids is committed to partnering with you, the parent, in your attempt to lay down a spiritual foundation, that in God’s timing, will lead your children into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our Preschool Ministry is for preschoolers, 6 weeks through Pre-K, where they can learn foundational truths about God. Opportunities each Sunday morning during Sunday School and Worship.
Our Elementary Ministry offers Sunday School by grade level at 9:30 each Sunday, Kidsville meets every Sunday at 10:30am upstairs in the Kidsville room, and we have programming each Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM.
Our Youth Ministry is for students in 6th through 12th grades. We offer Sunday School by grade level at 9:30 each Sunday and a service for youth each Wednesday evening in the Attic from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM.
Young Adults
This ministry exists to connect young adults to Jesus and each other through Bible study, worship, and fellowship. "The Stump" meets every Thursday night @ 7:00 PM at Eastwood Baptist Church in Marietta.
Facebook Group: The Stump Group
Instagram Link: @thestumpmarietta
Women who love the Lord and who love each other. That’s what we hope you find at Eastwood. We host monthly Bible studies and events for women of all ages. You will find a friendly, fun loving atmosphere, but more than that we hope we will be as iron sharpens iron and we can help each other as we run our races together, side by side serving our Lord.
At Eastwood, we want to build strong leaders inside and outside of our homes.
To connect with each other and help us grow in our faith, our men meet one Saturday each month for a prayer breakfast. We also serve together in our community and attend conferences a couple times each year.
Hispanic Ministry
Eastwood is one church for all people.
With that in mind, we have an adult gathering each Sunday morning in Spanish. Once a month, our congregations join together in corporate worship.
JOY Club
Just Over Youth Club! Here at Eastwood, we have a place for all ages including senior adults through regularly scheduled events. These monthly events are designed to be both inspirational and recreational in nature. We love having a good time and encouraging each other as we form friendships, praise the Lord, and find encouragement with people our age.
Contact: Debbie Barnes
At Eastwood, we have a passion for global missions which includes reaching out to our local community, people throughout our great nation and the uttermost parts of our globe. We support missionaries both through the Southern Baptist Cooperative program as well as Faith Promise Giving. We are always looking for people who want to help as the Lord has called every single believer to be a part of his or her mission field.
featured events
Happening at Eastwood
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering Goal - $ 10,000.00
Wednesday Nights at Eastwood
Eastwood Baptist Church Food Pantry
Next steps
Worship with us
at Eastwood
watch online
Services: sundays at 10:30am
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welcome home
A Place For You

Located At
Marietta, GA 30062
SErvice times
Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
our services
our dress
Sunday mornings for kids
Grounded in the Gospel of Jesus

Dr. Randy Cheek
Senior Pastor

Kevin Scott
Executive Pastor

Kim Harris
Church Administrator

Dr. Randy Cheek
Senior Pastor

Kevin Scott
Executive Pastor

Kim Harris
Church Administrator

Jessica Musil
Children's Ministry Director
Kim Schumacher
Administrative Assistant

A place for you
We invite you to join us in using your gifts for God's glory.
We are passionate about sharing our faith. As a church community, Eastwood supports more than 50 individual missionaries, both in our community and around the world. Additionally, we contribute to the work of the Southern Baptist Convention through their International Mission Board, supporting 3,683 international missionaries around the world and the North American Mission Board supporting 5,097 missionaries.